About Operation Solidarity

Who are we?

Operation Solidarity is an anti-authoritarian volunteer network organized during the war to jointly help all progressive forces in society to counter imperialist aggression against Ukraine.

What do we do?

We raise aid and funds for Territorial Defense fighters and their families, help refugees, and support progressive grassroots initiatives that unite people in the face of a common threat. With the funds raised, we purchase and deliver the most necessary humanitarian items, military equipment, and medical supplies to Ukraine.

In our almost daily blogposts you can get an impression of what we do as well.

How to help us?

You can transfer funds to one of our accounts.

Also, we are building a logistics network from Western Europe to Ukraine, so we need contacts of people who could carry out transportation in Ukraine, as well as in Kyiv and Kyiv region.

Страница о нас на русском языке

A proposito di Operazione Solidarietà

Declaración de Operación Solidaridad


Shirts & Sweaters