(last update: 10.05.2022)
Telegram Groups & Channels
You are at one of the checkpoints on the Ukrainian border and need help or would like to provide support to other people? Add in a chat and communicate, helping each other.
- Grushiv crossing help (@hrushiv_help)
- Krakivets help (@krakivets_help)
- Rava-Ruska crossing mutual aid (@rawa_ruska_help)
- Ustilug crossing mutual aid (@ustyluh_help)
- Shehyni overpass (@shehyni_help)
- Jagodyn crossing mutual aid (@yagodyn_help)
If you lost someone in Ukraine – maybe this channel can help you.
Further information collected by us:
Onward travel to Germany
Some legal info about the situation in Germany and some legal infos by an anti-racist NGO.
Situation of BIPoC at the border and beyond
Infos about the situation of BIPoC at the border.
Situation of Roma at the border and beyond
Infos about situation of Roma at the border.
Situation of LGBTIQ+ at the border and beyond
Info sources about LGBTIQ+ at he border and in Ukraine
Help us gather more information
Do you have information that is missing from our collection or would you like to add your experience? Please send us an e-mail, we are constantly improving our range of information!
Here is our additional collection: