Operation Solidarity – Day 116

to our friends,

as you may have noticed, the number of our daily blogposts is decreasing. there is some interenal work we have to take care of at the moment – the support work for anarchist comrades on the run or in struggle continues on many levels, of course.

from now on we will say goodbye to the format of daily updates and post here irregularly in the future.

solidarity will still win

to stay updated check the following social media pages:

Good Night Imperial Pride

Help War Victims UA

Kharkiv Hardcore

Operation Solidarity

Operation Solidarity – Day 112

to our friends,

popular front has a new documentary out:

In the midst of the Ukraine war, there’s an armed unit of anti-fascist football hooligans who are fighting Russia’s forces on the frontlines. They’re called Hoods Hoods Klan. They made a name for themselves across Europe for beating up far-right ultras. Now though, they’re fighting a bigger enemy: Putin.

At Popular Front we spent time with Hoods Hoods Klan as they prepared to head to the east, where the war is still raging. This documentary is about friendship, conflict, and a side of Ukraine often unreported.

furthermore, the article about imprisoned russian anti-war activists has now been translated into french and the german initiative cars for hope is actively asking for support.

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 109

to our friends,

first of all we would like to draw your attention to this collection action in berlin:

the comrades from abc belarus have published a new statement on the war:

and in russia resistance seems to become more concrete:

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 107

to our friends,

don’t forget to tune in here tomorrow:


furthermore, another article has appeared in the mainstream press about the anarchist fighters against the russian army.

furthermore we want to share the call of the kurdish comrades – because also in rojava new war is threatening. bijî berxwedana rojava!

DAY X: Turkish Invasion imminent

Evaluation of current situation & call for action We call on all democrats, antifascists, feminists, the ecological movement and anti-war activists to prepare themselves for Day X; the day of a invasion by Turkey on Rojava and the Autonomous Administration of North- and Eastern Syria. In case of an attack we will give the signal to start acting. To give a proper answer to an attack we have to prepare now and be ready to Block, Disturb & Occupy the supporters of Turkish Fascism and to defend the achievements of the Revolution!

Evaluation & Call for action: English / German / Greek / French

solidarity will win