to our friends,
we have finally set up an about us page so that people can get a quick overview of our idea.
also, we decided that after 14 days of daily posts, we might now allow a day off every now and then. just so you’re not worried. our social media channels are maintained independently from the blog and are always worth a look as well.
today, for example, we were able to report there about a delivery of helmets:
Gradually, we manage to get the most valuable things in war – kevlar helmets. Thanks to Oleksiy Rudenko, a party with 200 helmets arrived from the Czech Republic. 20 of them went to Operation Solidarity, which we will hand over to our Territorial Defense fighters.
a note to translators: please use luhansk and not lugansk, which is often edited incorrectly in translation programs.
and now once again the hint to people who have donated with wise to our account in ukraine lately: contact us if there were / are problems with it. we are on it!
at the end of our post we want to share these pictures from russia with you:
solidarity will win