to our friends,
from our telegram channel from yesterday:
The ReSew sewing cooperative is a horizontal, anti-authoritarian, feminist initiative from Kyiv. ReSew fills orders for tailoring for the people from different communities, conducts workshops on upcycling and repair of textile items. Currently, the cooperative has switched to the format of a shelter, responding to the urgent needs of people around the shelter — requests for food, water and relocation. Today, ReSew’s members made chevrons for the Territorial Defense, which we have already given to our fighters.
the black patch says »freedom or death«.
on the international women’s struggle day in flensburg our posters were already hanging. we were very happy about that.
as an anarchist comrade from russia writes:
In that regard, I see a tremendous potential in the feminist movement in Russia. Right now, I see the participants in this movement doing the best they can to organize and bring their perspective to the streets and to the people. When it comes to presenting a vision of self-defense that draws together many forms and meanings of struggle into a concrete philosophy, I believe that anarchists and feminists can do better than anyone else.
The View from Ukraine, the View from Russia
the abc moscow has published an update article in english about anarchist prisoners in russia. a support of anarchists in russia, is also a support in the struggle against putin, his regime and the war.
there is a soli event for us in france this weekend. we hear about more and more such efforts and wish for more of them.
here you can find some more infos about the entry to germany.
solidarity will win