Благодаря вашей поддержке собраны аптечки первой помощи и средства личной гигиены для отряда Теробороны!
First aid kits and personal hygiene items for our comrades in the unit of the Territorial Defenсe Forces are ready with your support!
Благодаря вашей поддержке собраны аптечки первой помощи и средства личной гигиены для отряда Теробороны!
First aid kits and personal hygiene items for our comrades in the unit of the Territorial Defenсe Forces are ready with your support!
To our friends,
thank you for all the solidarity we have received so far. It’s good to see that people around the world have taken to the streets and joined the anarchist demos yesterday. We are forwarding as many reports as possible. Keep up the fight!
We as a solidarity structure have also received a lot of positive feedback, mails and offers. This is very helpful and we are happy about any support.
Currently there is a particular lack of money – we are currently working on easier donation options. Right now it works with IBAN (and maybe Wise) or transfer money via cryptocurrency.
The picture was sent to us by a comrade from the Netherlands, thank you.
Solidarity will win.
p.s.: a short report about grassroots resistance yesterday is online here.
Hello! We are supporters of horizontal society, solidarity and cooperation from different cities of Ukraine. Today we have united in the volunteer project “Operation Solidarity” in order to jointly help all healthy forces of society to counteract imperialist aggression against our country. We plan to collect humanitarian aid and fundraising in favor of territorial defense fighters and in support of all grassroots initiatives that unite people in confronting a common threat. We also plan to help refugees, host social events and spread the practices of equal decision-making and direct democracy.
You can help us by sharing info, making events and demos at your cities, sending money:
Bank Transfer:
Account: UGMR
IBAN: DE57 4306 0967 1216 4248 00
Note: Ukraine
UAH 5375 4141 1919 7571
EUR 5375 4199 0742 1968
BTC (Coin)
BNB (bep20)