Operation Solidarity – Day 41

to our friends,

yesterday we published a short video with impressions from lviv:

What Lviv looks like now. This is the city where members of Operation Solidarity live and work:

1 Workers preserve the Neptune fountain near Lviv City Hall to protect it from shelling;

2 Volunteers advise IDPs at Lviv railway station;

3 Volunteers distribute food to IDPs at Lviv railway station;

4 IDPs sleep in a shelter organized in a school gym in Lviv;

5 The windows of the building in front of the Lviv Armored Plant exploded after the shelling;

6 The glazier inserts windows in the house in front of the Lviv Armored Plant after the shelling;

7 The windows of the building in front of the Lviv Armored Plant exploded after the shelling;

8 The warehouse building near the Lviv oil depot was damaged after the shelling.


in addition, we have included on our link page this overview page of reports about and with us. the collection will be continuously maintained.

in russia there is still at least symbolic resistance against the war – we hope that symbolic resistance will turn into practical, direct resistance.

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 40

to our friends,

here you can find a new radio interview – with one comrade from anarchist black cross kyiv and an antifascist punk from lviv:

our talk with anarchists from russia and belarus is now also available on spotify – in case that is more accessible than youtube for some of you.

furthermore there is another info-event today in dortmund / germany – if you can, feel free to drop by there:

and here you can find an interview with the resistance committee in french.


solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 38

to our friends,

here is another small impression about our work:

The food situation in Kyiv is gradually improving, but many products are still unavailable. It is especially difficult with vegan food, as some Ukrainian producers have been forced to suspend their activities. That is why we are grateful to our friends who send vegan products all over Ukraine and, in particular, to the members of the territorial defense. The other day, Operation Solidarity received such a cargo and is handing it over to our soldiers.


we just got to know about another solidarity-shirt for abc dresden – using the image of makhno.

further we want to recommend you this article featuring the no borders team poland reporting about the situation at the polnish-belarussian border – no one is illegal!

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 36

to our friends,

thanks to your donations, we were recently able to obtain and distribute 100 bulletproof vests. we have now quality-checked them – and yes, they work!

crimethinc has published a new article about the anti-war movement in russia:

and in a week there will be a solidarity concert for us in denmark at the ungdomshuset. we hope that such concerts are also a place of organizing, networking and exchange of people in solidarity.

solidarity will win