Operation Solidarity – Day 46

to our friends,

over the weekend, pro-russian car parades took place in various cities in germany. fortunately, they met with counter-protests, blockades and direct resistance in many cities. this is one way you can support us in a very practical way – no place for russian imperialism and its fans!

also, the war diary of a belarusian anarchist, which he keeps on telegram, has now been translated into english:


solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 45

to our friends,

here you can find two short reports from our work in ukraine:

A few updates. We handed over a thermal imager, power banks, gas masks and carbines to the air reconnaissance unit involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine. A new helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and two boxes of medicines were handed over to the paramedic, who is also in the East. And the territorial defense of Kyiv received 3 bulletproof vests, thermal imagers, turnstiles, carbines and watches.

Solidarity is our weapon!


The territory near Kyiv has been liberated, but the life of the locals is still reminiscent of survival. There is still no electricity, water supply, gas. Therefore, Operation Solidarity went to Bucha for the second time with a humanitarian mission. We delivered dozens of gas burners, cylinders, sleeping bags and mats personally to the residents of Bucha. Sleeping bags and food were also handed over to the Belogorodka humanitarian headquarters.


furthermore there is a new brief text of an anarchist from belarus, who describes his reasons to go to ukraine – you can find it here in german and spanish.

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 44

to our friends,

Crimean anti-fascist and former Kremlin political prisoner Alexander Kolchenko is fighting Russian aggression today. We are happy to support Sasha and his friends. And we are grateful to him for his kind words and a moment of Ukrainian poetry.


we have new sharepics for our fundraising campaign and would love for you to share them on your channels!

also in print, some stuff from us has popped up in various places, like this sticker for example:

also we want to recommend you this detailed thread on twitter about right-wing structures in ukrainian society:

solidarity will win

Anarchist Solidarity – Part 3

to our friends,

we present you here the third report of our anarchist comrades who pick up refugees from poland. the interview was conducted on first april. and of course our comrades have found new forms to help refugees directly.

solidarity will win

Interview concerning Krakow

Interview with two people who organise tours for refugees from Ukraine to Krakow and then to Germany. A German version of the interview is at the end of the article.

The local situation at Krakow central station has worsen, tell us.

Kurt: That it has worsen is not true. There is no way getting in and out of Krakow.

Suasanne: The polish police know our local structures. We had many discussion with them. We made clear that we will go through with the plan but tried to be as accommodating as possible. That got drastically worse. The trains leaving Krakow are immensely overbooked. You saw it yourself, The train station was full of people. Plainclothes police officers interviewed our bus drivers, who we were, where we were going and so on.

There are (were) no NGOs visible that organise bus tours, right?

Susanne: Maybe there were, I don’t know. They distribute food, free SIM cards, stuff like that but that people are forced to stay inside the train station for days because the trains are so overcrowded but apparently that’s of nobody’s concern. Apart from the groups who organise the tours themselves. Public authorities or NGOs normally take forever to set something up and until then self organisation is being obstructed or made impossible. Did they think this trough? Do they want to keep the people in Poland? Not really.

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Operation Solidarity – Day 42

to our friends,

first of all we want to share with you our impressions from bucha:

Yesterday, members of Operation Solidarity, together with journalists and animal rights activists, visited Irpin and Bucha. 35 days of hell – this is how people with whom we managed to communicate characterize the period of occupation. Cities were severely damaged, and burned military equipment and shot down civilian vehicles became part of their landscape. Today we would like to show you photos of what we saw. Photo: Murat Bay, Oskar Hallgrimsson, Sergey Movchan


in italy people in solidarity seem to have tried to hold one of the responsible symbolically accountable:

there is also news from our anarchist comrades from belarus and russia. the anarchist network avtonom has now been blocked in russia. the comrades of pramen from belarus have also published a new statement regarding their lower activity that is worth reading.
we agree with their conclusion: For a world without wars, state and capitalism

solidarity will win