Operation Solidarity – Day 56

to our friends,

money is now also being collected for us in argentina:

Fundraising for the Ukrainian resistance movement has begun in Argentina. We sincerely thank our comrades for their support!


we have already been able to distribute many of the donations, however, we are always in particular need of hard-to-get goods:

Thanks to your help, we transferred a lot of medicine to hospitals, humanitarian headquarters and specific people. But there is a shortage of tactical medicine for first aid kits for our fighters. What we need the most:

Tourniquetes (САТ, SOF TT, TMT Tourniquet, SAM XT, SICH+)

Naso Pharyngeal Airway (size 28-30-32 or 7-8-9)

Hemostatic Gauze (Quikclot Combat Gauze, NuStat Tactical, OLAES Hemostatic Bandage, Chito-SAM, Celox Rapid Gauze)

Chest Seals (Halo Chest Seall, Hyfin Ventor SAM+)

Chest decompression needle (ARS Needle Decompression Kit or Air Release System from North American Rescue)

Trauma wound bandage

Anti-burn hydrogel bandages (Hydrocoll 15×15 or BurnTec 10×10)


also there is a new faq of the resistance committee and the radio interview of the final straw with anarchist / left positions from ukraine was transcribed and published as a zine.

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 55

to our friends,

here you can find a great video reportage with perspectives of anarchists from ukraine, belarus and poland – and also with some of us. feel free to spread it on your channels.

we also appreciate this statement of solidarity from the minneapolis communications workers union.
and followers from vienna / austria we want to recommend this reading in solidarity today:

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 54

to our friends,

We faced the situation when many comrades wish to help people in Ukraine, but have strong pacifistic position and have doubts about donating to ›Operation Solidarity‹. We totally understand the reasons of your concern, ethical component so we decided to start separate fundraising company for needs of refugees & war victims only. For this purpose we have created a PayPal account — helpwarvictimsua@riseup.net
Now it’s easier to help our civilian friends, who have no ability to rehabilitate by themselves because of the war in Ukraine. We will provide them with:

  • transportation
  • means of communication
  • accommodation
  • medicine
  • food
  • clothes
  • legal assistance
  • psychological assistance
  • assistance to family members of the victims

An overview of our donation options can be found on our donation page.

further we reported about the solidarity work of unionists in poland:

The number of refugees from Ukraine to Europe has already exceeded 4 million, more than 2.4 million of whom are in Poland. Thousands of Poles are selflessly supporting Ukrainian families. But there is a problem: just two weeks after the Russian invasion began, apartment rental prices in Poland rose by 30%, hurting the ability of both Poles and Ukrainians to rent. Our comrades from the trade union Inicjatywa Pracownicza call for a halt to the speculative rise in housing prices under conditions of war and the establishment of fair pricing.


we close our daily update with this nice piece, which appaered in the strees of kyiv:

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 53

to our friends,

we are always happy when people send us pictures of graffiti and murals in solidarity – like this recent picture from berlin:

also we reported on telegram that some of our supplies arrived at anarchist comrades:

More and more anti-authoritarians are joining the territorial defense. It is good to see our comrades wearing the armor that Operation Solidarity has given them.


solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 52

to our friends,

we have received a new solidarity photo from barcelona – worldwide solidarity against the russian war of aggression!

we also reported on telegram about rather unusual support:

As the Russian Orthodox Church praises the aggressive war (Patriarch Gundyaev recently presented the icon to the head of the National Guard of Russia that “should inspire young soldiers who take the oath”), activists from the Satanic Temple are looking for options to help the Ukrainian people: collect donations for refugees accommodation.

The Satanic Temple is formally a religious organization that advocates church and state separation. It’s based on humanistic and rational values (empathy, scientific approach to the world’s knowledge), promotes critical thinking, and postulates the freedom of the individual as the highest value. In 2019, a documentary about the organization was premiered at Sundance.

One month ago, the pope called upon the whole world to pray for Ukraine. And upon the ones responsible for the war – to end it immediately. Just imagine what kind of evil we have to deal with if we are supported both by Christians and Satanists.


solidarity will win