Operation Solidarity – Day 66

to our friends,

today we want to present you two important contributions about our work – and once again wish you a militant may 1st.

We are the Ukrainian anti-authoritarian volunteer networkOperation Solidarity.

Though we are people who carry many differing points of view, we share a common understanding of Russian aggression. That understanding is, in summary: that we condemn the invasion by the Russian Federation and their leadership who has orchestrated it.

As anti-authoritarian activists, we immediately joined the resistance movement at the onset of the war. Many of our comrades joined the ranks of the defence forces. Our purpose, therefore, is to supply them with everything they need as well as help others in need whenever we are capable.

One Might ask, “How could people who have consistently opposed the state for many years now defend it with arms and solicit military gear from around the world?”. Our understanding of this war as imperialist and an act of aggression against the people unites us. Here are our reasons why:

❗️This is not–to use the Kremlin’s words–a “war of denazification” Ukraine certainly does have a far-right problem, but its scale and influence are exaggerated by Russian propaganda, which exploits and parasitizes the language and tradition of anti-fascism. Ukraine is a much freer country than Russia, which has increasingly resembled a fascist regime more and more each day since the war began.

❗️This is not a war to liberate Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Today the majority of combats taking place in Ukraine take place in the predominantly Russian-speaking areas, where Russian-speaking people are the main victims of these atrocious war crimes. That is why Ukrainians do not greet the Russian army with flowers and instead enlist with the Territorial Defence to meet “the liberators” in a far different way than Russia claims.

❗️ This is not Russia’s war against NATO. It is not NATO’s war against Russia with Ukraine as a proxy either. We are critical of Western imperialism that is so evident in other parts of the world. However, it is Russia – a state that tries to impose its hegemony in the region – that is responsible for this particular war. If Ukraine’s neutrality and NATO’s expansion to the East were the real reasons for war, it would already end. Or, perhaps, it wouldn’t even start.

❗️ This is also Putin’s war against his own people. The “special operation”, as the Russian state demands and enforces it be labelled, allowed the Kremlin to institute a brutal dictatorship, repress anti-war demonstrations, eradicate all opposition mass media, and leave so very many Russian citizens who disagreed with the government to leave the country. Belarus, too, finds itself in the same situation. Russian policy treats this systematic repression of dissidents and freedom as a blueprint for the hegemony it wishes to establish over this region as a whole.

Russia’s ambitions of empire yield demands of a magnitude far too costly for anyone to agree with for “peace at any cost”. To kowtow to their demands would inevitably lead to the defeat of all the regional progressive forces. What a peace treaty entails is highly dependent on the situation on the battlefields. That is why we call everyone for whom freedom, equality, sisterhood, and brotherhood are not empty words, to support the Ukrainian resistance movement. There are several ways you can do this, such as by:

✊🏼 Directly supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the Territorial Defence;

✊🏼 Supporting volunteer movements and humanitarian initiatives;

 ✊🏼 Helping Ukrainian refugees;

 ✊🏼 Demanding that your governments provide financial, humanitarian or military aid to Ukraine;

 ✊🏼 Advocating for the cancellation of Ukrainian external debt, which would be vital for post-war reconstruction.

Finally, you can support Operation Solidarity. In doing so you can be assured that your support will help anti-authoritarians who fight for a free society. A society free from prejudices, inequality, and aggression.


Thanks to you Operation Solidarity has received an impressive amount of humanitarian aid, and now we have the opportunity to strengthen the second direction of our activity.

So far we have been able to:

✔️ made 5 trips with humanitarian cargo to Bilohorodka and Bucha, donating food, camping gas stoves, sleeping bags, mats, power banks and a significant amount of medicine;

✔️ sent 2 consignments of medicines to Kramatorsk, which were given to the local hospital, border guards and activists, who distributed them to locals;

✔️ donated a laryngoscope and surgical consumables to the Institute of Neurosurgery named after A.P. Romodanov;

✔️ handed out L-Thyroxine medication at the time of the greatest drug shortage;

✔️ the humanitarian aid that we couldn’t distribute on our own was given to friendly volunteer initiatives.

Today Operation Solidarity receives more and more requests from cities affected by the occupation. This is why our work in this direction continues.


solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 65

to our friends,

first of all, we would like to share a report from our headquarter:

Russian troops have withdrawn from Kyiv, but Russian weapons continue to kill. Kyiv was hit by a rocket attack on a multi-storey residential building yesterday. Rescuers reported that 10 were injured and a body of a woman was pulled out from under the rubble. The victim turned out to be the journalist of the Radio Liberty Vera Girich.

Photos from the scene by our comrade.


tomorrow is May Day – we wish all comrades a strong, militant day. we hope that there will be many signs of solidarity with the international, anti-fascist and anti-authoritarian struggle … and want to call you here to send us photos if there is something in your city related to solidarity with ukrainian anarchists and against russian imperialism.

furthermore, this beautiful motive, named after the newspaper ›way to freedom‹ will soon be available as a shirt – to support the comrades of kharkiv hardcore. it can be pre-ordered until sunday evening at black mosquito and opor streetwear.

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 64

to our friends,

first of all, we would like to give you another insight into our practical work in ukraine:

Before the war, Maxim defended the rights of refugees who had fled to Ukraine from conflicts and authoritarian regimes in other regions. And today 4 million have been forced to flee Ukraine because of Russia’s full-scale invasion. Now human rights activists are defending the country on the battlefield so that people can return here as soon as possible. Operation Solidarity has handed over tourniquets, load-bearing equipment, tactical goggles and a thermal imaging camera to Maxim’s unit.


at this point we would like to thank samuel, who has supported us with his layout-skills since the beginning of our work – and that with a lot of initiative and creativity. you can see some of his work on the material page.
if you are looking for help with layout (and unlike us also maybe even with the possibility to pay something for it), please contact him.

another project we have worked with from the beginning is the solidarity apothecary – they are currently distributing medicine at the border in poland to refugees and need some support:

there will be another solidarity event for us in berlin soon, thank you.

and last but not least we want to point to this interview with one of the imprisoned anarchists in belarus. freedom for all!

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 63

to our friends,

we want to recommend you this contribution by alexis daloumis – he set out from greece to document the various international anarchist mobilizations against putin’s imperialist aggression. this is now the first part of his journey through poland:

there is already a recommended video in which he has documented general anarchist viewpoints on the war.
spread the word about both videos!

here you can now also find the pdfs of our stencils:

solidarity will win

Operation Solidarity – Day 62

to our friends,

on our telegram channel we reported about a big tragedy from odessa, where at least our medical support to the fighting units was of some help:

An activist of our friends from the Ecological Platform, who joined the Odessa Territorial Defense, assisted as a paramedic at the site of the missile strike in Odessa. The strike was carried out in the evening of April 23 by Russian cruise missiles. Seven people were killed as a result of the attack, including one child.

in the meantime we are happy about every form of support. no matter how small it may seem – everyone can become part of the resistance in his or her own way. for example, here is a small solidarity message from austria and a few impressions.

If you are motivated it doesnt matter if you are organized or not, a group of people or alone – there are always ways to support and show solidarity, on big scales or on small and very DIY-scales. Every help is important so be creative and get started!

to support the idea of diy we now have stencils on our material page. but there you can also find posters, sharepics, etc.

solidarity will win